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Question about T3 and T4 encoding of B/Bcc (Branch) Instruction

On Cortex v7M architecture, looking at the T3 and T4 encodings for the B and Bcc instructions in the architecture reference manual...

Do T3 and T4 really have the J bits of the immediate value in the opposite order from one another?

T3 (20 bit immediate value):  imm32 = SignExtend(S:J2:J1:imm6:imm11:'0', 32);
T4 (24bit immediate value):   I1 = NOT(J1 EOR S); I2 = NOT(J2 EOR S); imm32 = SignExtend(S:I1:I2:imm10:imm11:'0', 32);

All the references are consistent, but it just seems particularly odd.
Is there some more intuitive way to look at the Not(S xor Jn) part of the instructions?
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