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HEX file in LPC2000 Flash Utility

Hello there
I am loading an upgrade version of MCU on our MICR check reader with the LPC2000 Flash Utility V2.2.2. This device is connected to serial port (DB9f). I do the steps with the manual I have. In this manual, first I read the Part ID and Boot Loader ID of the device. Then I erase and Blank check. All these parts are done properly but when I want to Upload my HEX file to the flash the Error message is occurred and say "Invalid or Unsupported HEX file!".
Can any one help me this problem?
Just a little point: In the manual is written the XTAL Freq should be 11059 KHZ and Baud Rate 57600. I use Windows Operating system and change the Baud Rate of COMM port to 57600 but don't know how to change the frequency? Any idea?

  • Hello Sarah,

    When you already read PartId and the BootloaderId the connection seems to be OK. So Baudrate and XTAL Freq seem to be OK.

    By the way...I think with the term "XTAL Freq" the frequency of the external oscilator of your MCU is meant. So you can't set it up through windows os ;-)

    I think the hexfile with the new firmware for the MCU is either damaged or simply hasn't the correct format. You should make a research into this direction.

  • Hello Sarah,

    When you already read PartId and the BootloaderId the connection seems to be OK. So Baudrate and XTAL Freq seem to be OK.

    By the way...I think with the term "XTAL Freq" the frequency of the external oscilator of your MCU is meant. So you can't set it up through windows os ;-)

    I think the hexfile with the new firmware for the MCU is either damaged or simply hasn't the correct format. You should make a research into this direction.
