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HEX file in LPC2000 Flash Utility

Hello there
I am loading an upgrade version of MCU on our MICR check reader with the LPC2000 Flash Utility V2.2.2. This device is connected to serial port (DB9f). I do the steps with the manual I have. In this manual, first I read the Part ID and Boot Loader ID of the device. Then I erase and Blank check. All these parts are done properly but when I want to Upload my HEX file to the flash the Error message is occurred and say "Invalid or Unsupported HEX file!".
Can any one help me this problem?
Just a little point: In the manual is written the XTAL Freq should be 11059 KHZ and Baud Rate 57600. I use Windows Operating system and change the Baud Rate of COMM port to 57600 but don't know how to change the frequency? Any idea?

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