I want to run fromelf utility automatically once build procedure terminated (to see disassembly code).
Is it possible ?
Thanks in advance.
Perfect !
Thanks Toshiko.
It's exactly what I searched for.
Disassembly, produced by fromelf, that process .axf file, is quite bulky ... i.e. it contains initialization code, debug-related code ... probably some other things.
Whereas disassembles, produced by compiler with --asm option are compact and contain only information related to code in source file.
Much easy to read if one is interested only to assess the quality of produced code.
Just one question before closing the thread: is fromelf capable to process .o files, or the only input it accepts is .axf ?
Best Regards,
Hi, Pavel-san,
You wrote:
> Just one question before closing the thread: is fromelf capable to process .o files, or the only input it accepts is .axf ?
Yes, fromelf can process .o files also.
If you hope to generate disassembly image from object file, you can use fromelf. For example:
fromelf -c main.o -o main_dasm.txt
Thus, if you wrote several fromelf command on .bat file and call the .bat file at "Command:" area for "Post-build steps" of project
properties window, you can generate disassembly file from one or more object files by fromelf.
I hope this will be your help.
Ok, thanks Toshiko.