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How to integrate execution of "fromelf" utility into "ARM® DS-5 Development Studio"


I want to run fromelf utility automatically once build procedure terminated (to see disassembly code).

Is it possible ?

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Pavel-san,

    Sorry for the late reply. I am on my business trip.
    You wrote:

    > For example, if project contains multiple source files (e.g. source1.c, source2.c, source3.c), does exist some format

    > of fromelf command that would generate source1.asm, source2.asm, source3.asm ?

    For such case, I recommend to use "--asm" option on Compiler setting rather than use of fromelf after linking.
    This option automatically generates disassembly file when C or C++ source file is compiled.
    You can add this for entire of project or each C source files.

    Please see compiler documentation for detailed information of "--asm" option .

    You can add this option by:

    1) Right Click project name (or source file name) on Project Explorer and select "property".

    2) Select C/C++ Build -> Settings.

    3) Select "Tool Settings" tab.

    4) Select "ARM C Compiler 5" -> "Miscellaneous"

    5) Add --asm on Other flags.

    The above image includes some Japanese menu items. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Pavel-san,

    Sorry for the late reply. I am on my business trip.
    You wrote:

    > For example, if project contains multiple source files (e.g. source1.c, source2.c, source3.c), does exist some format

    > of fromelf command that would generate source1.asm, source2.asm, source3.asm ?

    For such case, I recommend to use "--asm" option on Compiler setting rather than use of fromelf after linking.
    This option automatically generates disassembly file when C or C++ source file is compiled.
    You can add this for entire of project or each C source files.

    Please see compiler documentation for detailed information of "--asm" option .

    You can add this option by:

    1) Right Click project name (or source file name) on Project Explorer and select "property".

    2) Select C/C++ Build -> Settings.

    3) Select "Tool Settings" tab.

    4) Select "ARM C Compiler 5" -> "Miscellaneous"

    5) Add --asm on Other flags.

    The above image includes some Japanese menu items. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best Regards,
