I want to run fromelf utility automatically once build procedure terminated (to see disassembly code).
Is it possible ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, Pavel-san,
You wrote:
> Just one question before closing the thread: is fromelf capable to process .o files, or the only input it accepts is .axf ?
Yes, fromelf can process .o files also.
If you hope to generate disassembly image from object file, you can use fromelf. For example:
fromelf -c main.o -o main_dasm.txt
Thus, if you wrote several fromelf command on .bat file and call the .bat file at "Command:" area for "Post-build steps" of project
properties window, you can generate disassembly file from one or more object files by fromelf.
I hope this will be your help.
Best Regards,
Ok, thanks Toshiko.