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I try profile my openCL code with performance studio . my GPU is mali G-610

performance studio tell that :

streamline can collect openCL timeline .

but when i select counters it warn that : GPU frequency counters not available for GPU.

it can not capture mali timeline 

streamline user guild tell that :"Mali Timeline Events requires your device to Have a Mali device driver version r40p0"

i get my driver version through openCL  clGetDeviceInfo(device CL_DRIVER_VERSION)  it return my device driver version is 3.0

and  clGetDeviceInfo(Device  cl_DEVICE_NAME) it return my device name : Mali-G610 r0p0 

it seem that my device driver is dissatisfy.

so  how should i do can profile my openCL code .

  • The value returned for CL_DRIVER_VERSION is the version number for just the OpenCL driver implementation. The version number you found in the Streamline User Guide refers to the overall GPU driver. If you have Chrome installed you can browse to "chrome://gpu" and check the string next to "GPU0", in the "Driver Information" table. Another way of doing this, if you have access to the dmesg command, is to run 'dmesg | grep DDK' and see if the version string is printed there. Please note that driver version r43p0 is required to display OpenCL events in the Mali Timeline.

    If your driver does not support OpenCL timeline events you may still be able to profile your workload by using the other Mali hardware counters in Streamline.

  • The value returned for CL_DRIVER_VERSION is the version number for just the OpenCL driver implementation. The version number you found in the Streamline User Guide refers to the overall GPU driver. If you have Chrome installed you can browse to "chrome://gpu" and check the string next to "GPU0", in the "Driver Information" table. Another way of doing this, if you have access to the dmesg command, is to run 'dmesg | grep DDK' and see if the version string is printed there. Please note that driver version r43p0 is required to display OpenCL events in the Mali Timeline.

    If your driver does not support OpenCL timeline events you may still be able to profile your workload by using the other Mali hardware counters in Streamline.
