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I try profile my openCL code with performance studio . my GPU is mali G-610

performance studio tell that :

streamline can collect openCL timeline .

but when i select counters it warn that : GPU frequency counters not available for GPU.

it can not capture mali timeline 

streamline user guild tell that :"Mali Timeline Events requires your device to Have a Mali device driver version r40p0"

i get my driver version through openCL  clGetDeviceInfo(device CL_DRIVER_VERSION)  it return my device driver version is 3.0

and  clGetDeviceInfo(Device  cl_DEVICE_NAME) it return my device name : Mali-G610 r0p0 

it seem that my device driver is dissatisfy.

so  how should i do can profile my openCL code .

  • Please let us know what value is returned from clGetDeviceInfo(CL_DEVICE_VERSION).

    Also, specifically what device and OS are you running on?

    For CSF GPUs OpenCL timeline support relies on the Android Perfetto trace daemon for data transport, so it needs a device where this is available and running.

  • Please let us know what value is returned from clGetDeviceInfo(CL_DEVICE_VERSION).

    Also, specifically what device and OS are you running on?

    For CSF GPUs OpenCL timeline support relies on the Android Perfetto trace daemon for data transport, so it needs a device where this is available and running.

  • thank you for your reply.

    the value of "CL_DEVICE_VERSION" is OpenCL 3.0 v1.g11p0-01eac0.261843d4a0421aa5b9fla9c5e69b0816。

    i have two device 

    one device is vivo pad2 , its OS is originOS 3 base on android 13 .its SOC is  Dimensity 9000 with Mali-G710

    and my second device is an Embedded Development Board ,its os is android 12 . it soc is Rockchip 3588 with Mali-G610.

    they all can not collect openCL timeline.

  • thank you for your reply.

    the value of "CL_DEVICE_VERSION" is OpenCL 3.0 v1.g11p0-01eac0.261843d4a0421aa5b9fla9c5e69b0816。

    i have two device 

    one device is vivo pad2 , its OS is originOS 3 base on android 13 .its SOC is  Dimensity 9000 with Mali-G710

    and my second device is an Embedded Development Board ,its os is android 12 . it soc is Rockchip 3588 with Mali-G610.

    they all can not collect openCL timeline.

    i also had read that G610 is not support by mobile studio

    so try performance studio ,and it tell that ,performance studio support openCL mode on Mali G610.

  • I don't have access to this specific Vivo device, but they have disabled the Perfetto trace daemon by default on a few of the other devices we use. Try enabling it by running:

    adb shell setprop persist.traced.enable 1

    ... although I don't know if it will work. There is a chance they may completely removed the Perfetto components if it's not enabled by default.

    Your dev board will need to include the Perfetto compoenents, and you will need to ensure traced is running before you try to capture a profile.



  • i had try 

    adb shell setprop persist.traced.enable 1

    but i does not work.

    and i sure that , there is perfetto compoenents within my board,but I can't guarantee that the perfetto component will work when I do the profile.

  • Hello, may I ask if your problem has been resolved? I also have the same problem. My RK3588 environment is G610, The version of Opencl is "OpenCL 3.0 v1.g13p0-01eac0.68603db295fbf2c59ac6b927fdfb1c32". Is there any other way for me to learn about Opencl through Streamline?