In one 'c' file I define the following function:
void fnTemp(int jj, int kk);
void fnTemp(int jj, int kk)
{ some stuff...
In a different 'c' file I have the following:
extern void fnTemp(int jj);
void fnTryIt(void)
This will link without any errors. How do I get the linker to tell me that I have two definitions for fnTemp()?
I know that I could put the declaration for fnTemp() in a .h file and include the .h file in both .c files which will then trigger a compiler error. But I have an instance where that can cause other issues.
Thank you for any help.
Actually no. I tried this:
extern void helloExit(int a); /* atExit function */ void displayExit(void) { helloExit(1); kprintf(1, " ended\n"); }
and in the other file:
void helloExit(void) { kprintf(1, " ended\n"); }
I checked with armcc 5.06 and get no linker error. Tried Clang 6.6.3, no error/no warning.