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Question about AXI Wrapping burst

There is a statement 'For wrapping burst, the length of the burst must be 2,4,8 or 16 transfers.' in AXI Addressing option.

I cannot understand that why must be 2,4,8 or 16 transfers? Is there some design issue?

Hope someone can help,thank you!!

Best Regards,


  • Is there some design issue?

    It's a specification, it's telling you what you are and are not allowed to do, so yes it's a restriction in the specification.

    The reason is that you need fewer bits in the bus control signalling, and hence less area and power. It allows encoding burst length as the value (log2(N) - 1), which is a 2 bit field, rather than needing an arbitrary value between 0 and 16 which would be a 4 bit field.



  • Is there some design issue?

    It's a specification, it's telling you what you are and are not allowed to do, so yes it's a restriction in the specification.

    The reason is that you need fewer bits in the bus control signalling, and hence less area and power. It allows encoding burst length as the value (log2(N) - 1), which is a 2 bit field, rather than needing an arbitrary value between 0 and 16 which would be a 4 bit field.


