since I did:
1、set I and C bit in SCTLR_EL3
2、enable MMU
3、setup page table
4、change memory attr of address space 0x30000000-0x3020000000 (sram) as inner shareable|write back|r/w allocate
5、read and write 0x30000000 more than 2 times
I found that:
1、L1 cache contes only contains addresses related with page table (0xFXXXXXXX-)
2、main TLB contains addresses related with both page table and 0x30000000
my question is:
1、does this mean no data from 0x30000000 was caches ?
2、what's the reason cause this?
Ok, that makes more sense.
In step (2), the initial translation table should at least mark where you're executing from as Normal. Strictly speaking, it is not legal to execute instructions from regions marked as Device, and we usually recommend that all Device regions are also marked as not executable (XN=1) to avoid potential speculative instruction fetches from Device regions. See here
In step (4), you wrote "NORMAL/IS/WT/RW". Many Arm cores don't support Write-Through (WT) and will treat WT regions as effectively Non-cacheable. You'll need to check the TRM for the processor your using to know whether that's true for yours. But try using write-back (WB) instead,
Another potential gotcha is setting different inner vs outer cache-ability settings.
It seems to be useful(just considering the time consumed by the processor), thank you very much, more tests are being done to ensure the function.