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STM(System Trace Macrocell)

Can i observe the 1KB data that it is written over the STM AXI interface from STM ATB BUS ?

what i mean is that i want to send a 1KB data from STM AXI and observe it from the STM ATB with MIPI STPv2 format.

  • Hi dudu8,

    There's no programmers' view visibility on the data going via the ATB bus except to route that data to some kind of trace sink, such as a TMC (in circular buffer or ETR mode) or TPIU. You'll need to configure funnels, replicators and so on, and start the sink up to collect data.

    Note that the contents of the circular buffer or TPIU output will be formatted per the CoreSight Architecture Specification section D4 "Trace Formatter" - (see TPIU FFCR for example of enabling formatting). Formatting is required when you have more than one trace source to a trace sink (such as an ETM and STM together, going to the same buffer) so that you can differentiate the trace streams.



  • Hi dudu8,

    There's no programmers' view visibility on the data going via the ATB bus except to route that data to some kind of trace sink, such as a TMC (in circular buffer or ETR mode) or TPIU. You'll need to configure funnels, replicators and so on, and start the sink up to collect data.

    Note that the contents of the circular buffer or TPIU output will be formatted per the CoreSight Architecture Specification section D4 "Trace Formatter" - (see TPIU FFCR for example of enabling formatting). Formatting is required when you have more than one trace source to a trace sink (such as an ETM and STM together, going to the same buffer) so that you can differentiate the trace streams.



No data