Can i observe the 1KB data that it is written over the STM AXI interface from STM ATB BUS ?
what i mean is that i want to send a 1KB data from STM AXI and observe it from the STM ATB with MIPI STPv2 format.
Hi dudu8,
There's no programmers' view visibility on the data going via the ATB bus except to route that data to some kind of trace sink, such as a TMC (in circular buffer or ETR mode) or TPIU. You'll need to configure funnels, replicators and so on, and start the sink up to collect data.
Note that the contents of the circular buffer or TPIU output will be formatted per the CoreSight Architecture Specification section D4 "Trace Formatter" - (see TPIU FFCR for example of enabling formatting). Formatting is required when you have more than one trace source to a trace sink (such as an ETM and STM together, going to the same buffer) so that you can differentiate the trace streams.
hi Matt,
I just want to observe the RAW data by DS-5 from the any system master interface of the STM AXI .
Yes, i can integrate the STM into my coresight system(it includes funnels, replicators,ETM/ITM/DAP and so on ).
is it ok?
If you've got an already fixed design which is in silicon, there's no way in ARM IP you could track those accesses from an AXI point of view, although there might be some functionality in ARM interconnects (such as CCN-5xx) to track transactions, or you could use data trace on an ARM core to watch CPU accesses, but not from "any master". You can make some assumptions based on the STM Architecture and STM-500 TRM based on the access sizes from a CPU (where you can configure the stimulus port access via STR{,B,H} instructions for example) and what you expect as output in STPv2 trace.
If you're developing an SoC right now, then the ability to do this is pretty much part of your workflow anyway. We're not sure exactly what you're asking for?
I just want to transfer a bulk of data into STM axi slave from one master so that i can observe it by DS-5.
So you literally want to write to an STM stimulus port, and read the trace out? As in, operate the STM as intended?
I wrote a couple blogs on this: Introduction to ARM's System Trace Macrocell
But I'm still not sure this is what you're actually asking for..