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Baremetal program jumps to 0x200

Hello, I am trying to run a "hello world" program with C/C++ standard library support on Morello board (hardware), using Arm Development Studio Morello edition.

I previously followed the standalone-baremetal-readme.rst guide which worked well (following the advice from this topic), but it did not allow to use functions like "printf".

I tried to use examples from:

I ran make and the "" with "-e" flag to produce "howdy-purecap-bm-image.elf" and "howdy-morello-bm-image.elf" (in the "" script I added a line to preserve a copy of the .elf file), then I loaded these in the development studio.

It appears that the program goes to address 0x200 after executing the "MRS" instruction.

Does anyone know why that happens?

Also, in the standalone-baremetal-readme.rst guide it was necessary to specify UART address (0x2A400000) in the program, is it correct to assume that examples from baremetal-release-1.6 branch of llvm-project-releases will use that address (without the need to specify it anywhere in the program) and the printf/cout messages will appear in the AP com port of Morello hardware board? Or is it necessary to do some adjustments to achieve that?

  • It is a tricky issue to debug because pressing F6 to step-over function does not stop the execution, it just makes the code run forever (just like it happens on the image with red arrows), so after pressing the pause button, the state of registers is different from the state of registers when the "curr_sp0_fiq" was invoked for the first time (which makes it difficult to recognize what caused the issue in the first place).

    After stepping over the _cpu_init_hook function and pressing the pause button, here's what I can see:

    (I highlighted some registers with orange because the font is awkward without it and names can't be seen, changing theme didn't help)

    If I understand correctly the STP instruction in "write" function makes the program jump to "curr_sp0_fiq". And the STP instruction used C29, C30 and CSP capabilities. CSP appears to have the value 0xFF000000, and because the STP instruction specifies "-32" offset I checked the 0xFEFFFFE0 address contents (no idea if this is helpful in any way):

  • It is a tricky issue to debug because pressing F6 to step-over function does not stop the execution, it just makes the code run forever (just like it happens on the image with red arrows), so after pressing the pause button, the state of registers is different from the state of registers when the "curr_sp0_fiq" was invoked for the first time (which makes it difficult to recognize what caused the issue in the first place).

    After stepping over the _cpu_init_hook function and pressing the pause button, here's what I can see:

    (I highlighted some registers with orange because the font is awkward without it and names can't be seen, changing theme didn't help)

    If I understand correctly the STP instruction in "write" function makes the program jump to "curr_sp0_fiq". And the STP instruction used C29, C30 and CSP capabilities. CSP appears to have the value 0xFF000000, and because the STP instruction specifies "-32" offset I checked the 0xFEFFFFE0 address contents (no idea if this is helpful in any way):

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