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Where is the info of my frame? :)

Why is it showing only 1 render pass?

It is a game on Unity, what is wrong?

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  • Hi, Ben! :)

    It's a game on unity. It's apk file (Development Build). It's Universal Render Pipeline, forward rendering.

    So in game in unity I have many different objects, and in profile in unity at the desktop I see:

    SetPass Calls: 113 Draw Calls: 1.8k Batches: 223


    when I am capturing a frame by Arm MS Graphics Analizer 2021.0 on my HUAWEI p30 light theare is something strange as you can see on the attached screen in the first message.

    And I expected to see something like on this screen (it's another build from Unreal Engine):

    So the problem is not in phone, and probably in Unity or in Arm Graphics Analizer.

    So do you know what can it be? Thanks for help!