How to format UV_DBG_EXEC_CMD KAN198

I would like to see a worked example of a printf command being sent using this command as its not clear from the documentation.

It would be great if someone documented the endianess of the data types but I've been assuming little endian and this seems to work.

My problem is with this one command

echo is a 4 byte little endian uint = 1U

pad0is a 4 byte little endian uint = 0U

reserved is a 4*7 byte zero filled array

nLength is a 4 byte little endian uint  = 256U, the size of the fixed array, if you make it anything else it causes a syntax error

szStr[256] is a 256 byte array containing the null terminated ASCII format string. No matter what command I put in here, nothing happens. I would like to see some string command which has been proven to work both as a readable string and an ascii array.

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