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Cryptic Error Code L6200E "System Init Multiply ...."

I just loaded up a sample program from the great people at to control a servo motor. I haven't used my Keil and Tiva board for a long time, so I would not be surprised if it was something I was doing wrong with the setup. Anyhow, I finally got down to one error and it might as well be in Mandarin. A screen grab with the error : .\Objects\Servo1.axf: Error: L6200E: Symbol SystemInit multiply defined (by system_tm4c123.o and servo1_1.o). is on the bottom. Any ideas ?

  • OK I got it almost. Duplicate file listings in the Project Box. Now the problem is, I have no idea how to delete them. It seems like an all or nothing situation where I'm forced to remove entire folders. I also am a bit unsure about which one of the dupes to remove. Thanks. 

  • OK I got it almost. Duplicate file listings in the Project Box. Now the problem is, I have no idea how to delete them. It seems like an all or nothing situation where I'm forced to remove entire folders. I also am a bit unsure about which one of the dupes to remove. Thanks. 
