Does Keil RTX4 and RTX5 support GigaDevice Cortex-M4 micrcontrollers? Specifically, the GD32F427 series
It's not listed in the RTX device list page
Keil RTX Real-Time Operating System
The giga device example code has FreeRTOS example but no RTX examples.
Gotcha thanks, is RTX4 also compatible with all Cortex-M based MCUs? Is RTX4 still supported or now its just RTX5?
> … is RTX4 also compatible with all Cortex-M based MCUs?
No. It is compatible with Cortex-M0, M3 and M4 based devices, but not with all ARMv8-M devices, so no Cortex-M23, M33 and M85.
>Is RTX4 still supported or now its just RTX5?
RTX4 is not maintained anymore. It is still part of a CMSIS pack, but we don't make any changes or feature extensions for it.