I am trying to upload the an0003 bootloader (hex file) to a EFM32G222F128 via KEIL 5.36 (free version) and a ULINK2.
Here are my settings:
My guess is that there is some problem with the RAM for Algorithm part or the Connect and Reset settings.
I've tried changing the SWD clock but same results.
Any tips?
Try again with Connect and Reset Options in Options For Target - Debug - Settings set as follows:
The Connect: option set to under Reset
The Reset: option set to HW RESET
When I configure these options I get an SWD Communication Error.
What's the result after checking your ULINK2 Debug Adapter with our Troubleshooting Guide?
Well it seems that ULINK2 is communicating with my target system as per the guide but I am getting the invalid rom table error when I try to flash the chip.
Also, based on the screenshots I provided, is my target device responding even to ULINK?