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Network examples for Infineon XMC4700 not compiling

I'm using the development board 'Infineon Relax Kit' for the microcontroller XMC4700, the Keil version is 5.35 with a mdk_Pro license.

There are three network examples in the pack installer using the MDK-Professional Middleware (FTP Server, HTTP Server and Telnet server), none of them compiles by default.

Th error is always the same: ".\Objects\HTTP_Server.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol Driver_ETH_PHY0 (referred from net_config.o)."

I've tried updating the all the obsolete components, adding the ETH_MAC and ETH_PHY components from the XMCLib Device, and defining the symbol XMC_ETH_PHY_KSZ8081RNB but with the same results.

How can I get to compile these examples?

There are other examples that use the MDK-Professional Middleware network interface that at least compile?


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