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Cant integrate freertos to keil

Sorry, maybe thats not in address, but I could find the similar decision anywhere
I have got keil uvision V5.33.0.0(toolchain MDK-Lite)
I integrated offline (cause online doenst connet to server) pack ARM.CMSIS-FreeRTOS.10.4.3
But after that I cant see it in RTE and keil cant add it
I documented the problem in pic here

Please help,who knows

  • After downloading and installing the ARM::CMSIS-FreeRTOS v10.4.3 pack, you can find and open the following documentation located in your pack installation folder, such as file:///C:/Keil_pack/ARM/PACK/ARM/CMSIS-FreeRTOS/10.3.1/CMSIS/Documentation/General/html/index.html to see how to integrate FreeRTOS in your MDK project. 

    Alternatively you can follow the readme.txt file in your FreeRTOS pack installation folder to start a demo example project to see how FreeRTOS is integrated in those demo projects. 

  • After downloading and installing the ARM::CMSIS-FreeRTOS v10.4.3 pack, you can find and open the following documentation located in your pack installation folder, such as file:///C:/Keil_pack/ARM/PACK/ARM/CMSIS-FreeRTOS/10.3.1/CMSIS/Documentation/General/html/index.html to see how to integrate FreeRTOS in your MDK project. 

    Alternatively you can follow the readme.txt file in your FreeRTOS pack installation folder to start a demo example project to see how FreeRTOS is integrated in those demo projects. 
