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New project - Missing "_ansi.h"

Sorry if this is a really stupid question but I'm trying to move from STM32CubeIDE to Keil uVision. As is probably fairly obvious I'm not very experienced with C.

When I import a library that requires the "_ansi.h" the library can't be found and indeed searching for it on the local file system shows that it's not present in any of the project's include folders.

I know I can go download it from somewhere (or just copy from my existing STM32CubeIDE folders) but given that, so far as I can tell, this is a fairly standard requirement I wanted to check that I'm not missing something obvious, particularly as I can find no reference to this problem on the forums.

Do I have to install this dependency manually? I'd have thought there was some sort of pack with the standard GNU libraries or some such?

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