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Generating check sum for 8051 code


I am trying to use the Keil specified steps in to generate checksum after I compile the code. I get following messages from Keil and wonder what I am doing wrong?

Program Size: data=50.5 xdata=0 code=2675 creating hex file from "..\output\bit_adc"...
User command #1: "C:\Documents and Settings\fsiavoshi\My Documents\AC_Smart\Software\PhaseProc\BIT_ADC\source\genchksum.bat"
C:\Documents and Settings\fsiavoshi\My Documents\AC_Smart\Software\PhaseProc\BIT_ADC\project>hex2bin bit_adc.hex /Q The system cannot execute the specified program.
C:\Documents and Settings\fsiavoshi\My Documents\AC_Smart\Software\PhaseProc\BIT_ADC\project>check8 bit_adc.bin /s0x0000 /e0x7FFE /p0x7FFF /v0x80 The system cannot execute the specified program.
C:\Documents and Settings\fsiavoshi\My Documents\AC_Smart\Software\PhaseProc\BIT_ADC\project>bin2hex bit_adc.bin a.hex /Q The system cannot execute the specified program.
"..\output\bit_adc" - 0 Error(s), 1 Warning(s).\

Please let me know.


  • I'm not sure what your exact problems are, but I do note that you are using a directory path containing spaces. For a good many years, spaces in directory names have created lots of havoc for a lot of users, since many library functions splits the command line at every space suddenly making part of the path to the binary into parameters.

    As a general rule, you should always try to avoid spaces in directory names. Somewhere along the line, you will get hurt. If not today, then tomorrow, next week or next year. But the world is full of applications that forgets to put the paths in quotes or in other ways make sure that they don't get splitted.

  • I'm not sure what your exact problems are, but I do note that you are using a directory path containing spaces. For a good many years, spaces in directory names have created lots of havoc for a lot of users, since many library functions splits the command line at every space suddenly making part of the path to the binary into parameters.

    As a general rule, you should always try to avoid spaces in directory names. Somewhere along the line, you will get hurt. If not today, then tomorrow, next week or next year. But the world is full of applications that forgets to put the paths in quotes or in other ways make sure that they don't get splitted.
