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Generating check sum for 8051 code


I am trying to use the Keil specified steps in to generate checksum after I compile the code. I get following messages from Keil and wonder what I am doing wrong?

Program Size: data=50.5 xdata=0 code=2675 creating hex file from "..\output\bit_adc"...
User command #1: "C:\Documents and Settings\fsiavoshi\My Documents\AC_Smart\Software\PhaseProc\BIT_ADC\source\genchksum.bat"
C:\Documents and Settings\fsiavoshi\My Documents\AC_Smart\Software\PhaseProc\BIT_ADC\project>hex2bin bit_adc.hex /Q The system cannot execute the specified program.
C:\Documents and Settings\fsiavoshi\My Documents\AC_Smart\Software\PhaseProc\BIT_ADC\project>check8 bit_adc.bin /s0x0000 /e0x7FFE /p0x7FFF /v0x80 The system cannot execute the specified program.
C:\Documents and Settings\fsiavoshi\My Documents\AC_Smart\Software\PhaseProc\BIT_ADC\project>bin2hex bit_adc.bin a.hex /Q The system cannot execute the specified program.
"..\output\bit_adc" - 0 Error(s), 1 Warning(s).\

Please let me know.


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