I am currently in the process of porting my C program from SDCC to Keil because of several reasons. (bugs, lack of support, limitations)
What I would like to know is how some of the syntax changes look like.
So far I have figured out that __xdata becomes xdata and I cannot enter binary values.
I am having a lot of issues with the keil compiler at the moment so I will keep it short.
The special functions registers look like: __sfr __at 0xE0 ACC ;
I believe this must look like: sfr ACC = 0xE0; correct?
And is the same true for sbit?
__sbit __at 0x88 IT0 ; --> sbit IT0 = 0x88; ???
Than I'd like to know how the interrupt syntax looks like. It currently looks like this: void ISR_ex0(void) __interrupt 0
A huge problem we're having is that this interrupt 0 in SDCC is linked to a certain stack address (0x03). In SDCC I have no control over the link between address and interrupt numbers. This is baked in the compiler. I am programming an emulated 80c51 chip. The 'chip' is emulated on an FPGA and it comes with a lot of extras such as extra timers, 4 more I/O ports and 8 I/O interrupts rather than two. Now I can only use 2/8 interrupts.
There is a good tutorial on the four distinct register banks of an 8051 (in the "Register Banks" section)
Unless you say otherwise, we use register bank 0, but you could reserve another of the register banks for a function, so you can always have its registers ready to go.
The compiler can even take advantage of this when you turn on "Global register coloring"
See the other function declaration extensions at:
the most useful use of register banking is ISRs