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RTX Critical Sections


I am trying to port a library that is working with FreeRTOS to RTX. The microcontroller is the same: STM32F4.
The library uses critical sections. I have tried using the same implementation for the critical section for RTX as for FreeRTOS(BASEPRI) but I often end up in UsageFault.
I know that RTX uses extensively the SVC in the code.

Could it be that the Critical sections should be implemented differently ?
Do you know of any other differences between FreeRTOS and RTX that could cause problems?

Best regards,

  • In RTX, the RTX critical sections (i.e. the OS calls) are protected by the SVC call from Thread mode, and by a circular buffer (OS_FIFO) that gets filled up by ISR routines and processed by the PendSV Handler before returning to Thread Mode.

    There is no need for you to use Critical sections for the OS code.

    You may need critical sections for your code / library code, but it is not clear what you are trying to protect from so it is hard to say how you should change it.

    Here are some rules (while using RTX)

    1) You cannot make an OS call from Thread mode if you have disabled interrupts

    2) You cannot make an OS call from Thread mode if you have set the Base Priority to prevent SVC from running.

    By default SysTick and PendSV are set the to lowest possible priority and the SVC is set to the lowest possible priority + 1. It is not likely that you can set BASEPRI to mask some interrupts without making it impossible to make OS calls.

    3) You cannot make an OS call that uses SVC if you are not also running with the PSP as the active stack.

  • In RTX, the RTX critical sections (i.e. the OS calls) are protected by the SVC call from Thread mode, and by a circular buffer (OS_FIFO) that gets filled up by ISR routines and processed by the PendSV Handler before returning to Thread Mode.

    There is no need for you to use Critical sections for the OS code.

    You may need critical sections for your code / library code, but it is not clear what you are trying to protect from so it is hard to say how you should change it.

    Here are some rules (while using RTX)

    1) You cannot make an OS call from Thread mode if you have disabled interrupts

    2) You cannot make an OS call from Thread mode if you have set the Base Priority to prevent SVC from running.

    By default SysTick and PendSV are set the to lowest possible priority and the SVC is set to the lowest possible priority + 1. It is not likely that you can set BASEPRI to mask some interrupts without making it impossible to make OS calls.

    3) You cannot make an OS call that uses SVC if you are not also running with the PSP as the active stack.
