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Is there an easy way to copy/move/share projects?

I've discovered that sending a Keil project from one person to another is an absolute nightmare. All the paths are different, and even if you go through every single included file, there seem to be other paths that have no obvious way of being changed.

So, is there an easy way to do this? Some utility or internal function that lets you easily re-establish the paths when a project is copied to a new machine?

  • Says a man who's never used Eclipse/Atollic....

    Most of the stuff in the project is self-relative. How much stuff is outside the project folder, and can you maintain the directory depth?


    The include paths are specified in the C/C++ pane of the project options.

    Generally I can just zip up a project, or copy-n-paste a directory to clone it. I can right click components in a broken project and change the path to them.

    If I've totally mutilated the project, I can pull the file in a text editor and search-n-replace Path X with Path Y, or change the relative depth \..\

  • Says a man who's never used Eclipse/Atollic....

    Most of the stuff in the project is self-relative. How much stuff is outside the project folder, and can you maintain the directory depth?


    The include paths are specified in the C/C++ pane of the project options.

    Generally I can just zip up a project, or copy-n-paste a directory to clone it. I can right click components in a broken project and change the path to them.

    If I've totally mutilated the project, I can pull the file in a text editor and search-n-replace Path X with Path Y, or change the relative depth \..\
