I'm attempting to get uvision working on a VM of windows 8.1 embedded industrial running on ubuntu 14.04. when I'm trying to start the debugger with a project that has been tested and working on another computer with uVision. When I try to start the debugger, I first get a message that says: "EVALUATION MODE running with code size limit: 32k" I then click the okay box and this is the next error code and the debugger gives up:
Error: Could not load file 'X:\ARM\Excercise01\Excercise01.axf'. Debugger aborted !
I attempted an older solution for v3 where I replaced the TLM.DLL but it did not change anything.
I'm not too familiar with this program or windows yet so there might be something I'm missing.
So I solved the issue. What happened was my school's license for uvision temporarily expired so I started this project on their computers first without knowing it wouldn't simulate. We were then told we had to make it work ourselves so I opened the project on the version of uvision in the VM but the configurations weren't quite right so it caused issues. Instead of just rebuilding I did project > rebuild all target files and a message in the terminal said it created the <targetname>.axf file and then it ran the debugger just fine.
I hope this post can help others with this silly oversight!