I'm attempting to get uvision working on a VM of windows 8.1 embedded industrial running on ubuntu 14.04. when I'm trying to start the debugger with a project that has been tested and working on another computer with uVision. When I try to start the debugger, I first get a message that says: "EVALUATION MODE running with code size limit: 32k" I then click the okay box and this is the next error code and the debugger gives up:
Error: Could not load file 'X:\ARM\Excercise01\Excercise01.axf'. Debugger aborted !
I attempted an older solution for v3 where I replaced the TLM.DLL but it did not change anything.
I'm not too familiar with this program or windows yet so there might be something I'm missing.
I'm using the simulator so I don't use that debugger option. I haven't recieved my board yet so I can't download to flash.
So I solved the issue. What happened was my school's license for uvision temporarily expired so I started this project on their computers first without knowing it wouldn't simulate. We were then told we had to make it work ourselves so I opened the project on the version of uvision in the VM but the configurations weren't quite right so it caused issues. Instead of just rebuilding I did project > rebuild all target files and a message in the terminal said it created the <targetname>.axf file and then it ran the debugger just fine.
I hope this post can help others with this silly oversight!