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Flash program issues, program stops running.

Hello, I am evaluating the Keil uVison4 software (among others) as I intend to make the switch to ARM-M3. I like many features of the Keil software but I am having an issue with one area. The demo programs work perfectly for my eval board (lm3s2965) btw.

Basically, when i try and make a simple program that just turns a Port pin on and off, I get a strange issue that does not happen on any other compiler I am testing.
After I compile, I do a flash program and run. The port on/off code in a while(1) loop works for about 530ish us and stops for no reason (the scope shows no indication of On/Off) . I rest the board and the same thing happens 530us later, nothing is showing up. I thought it might be the watchdog, but I do not have it enabled and I am at a loss as to what it can be. I have looked through the settings and could not find anything.

If someone can point me in the right direction, that would be very good.
Thank you

  • Solved! (kind of) It turns out the compiler did not like the clock settings and somehow shutdown my MCU after a few instructions. Perhaps a compiler issue? In any case, I switched to a PLL clock source and it fixed all the issues!

    Hope this helps someone in the future.

  • Solved! (kind of) It turns out the compiler did not like the clock settings and somehow shutdown my MCU after a few instructions. Perhaps a compiler issue? In any case, I switched to a PLL clock source and it fixed all the issues!

    Hope this helps someone in the future.
