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sir my project is to automatically send an sms through gsm modem to the doctors mobile using a microcontroller whenever the threshold limits of blood pressure,temperature,heart beat etc are crossed so please suggest which microcntroller to be used and the mobile to be used and the necessary circiut with source code

  • "my project is..."

    Say again - whose project, exactly, is it?

    "please suggest which microcntroller to be used and the mobile to be used and the necessary circiut with source code"

    Surely, if it's your project, then that's for you to do?

    Or are you seeking quotes from someone to do this project for you?

  • "my project is..."

    Say again - whose project, exactly, is it?

    "please suggest which microcntroller to be used and the mobile to be used and the necessary circiut with source code"

    Surely, if it's your project, then that's for you to do?

    Or are you seeking quotes from someone to do this project for you?
