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using IAP for flash writing with working ethernet

I use lpc2378 and can write to flash with IAP, but if I have working ethernet (based on easyweb sample) then...
then a number of things occure exept normal work.

Anybody uses write data to flash with ethernet ?

  • Hi,

    Can you please explain your situation more clearly?

    Specifically, what does this mean: "then a number of things occure exept normal work"?

    I am using the IAP interface to flash my LPC2468 (with TCPnet) successfully via Ethernet. However, I do run into some problems when trying to flash the portion of my ROM that TCPnet resides in. As a temporary solution, I have assigned TCPnet its own section of ROM and simply not flashed over that.


  • Hi,

    Can you please explain your situation more clearly?

    Specifically, what does this mean: "then a number of things occure exept normal work"?

    I am using the IAP interface to flash my LPC2468 (with TCPnet) successfully via Ethernet. However, I do run into some problems when trying to flash the portion of my ROM that TCPnet resides in. As a temporary solution, I have assigned TCPnet its own section of ROM and simply not flashed over that.

