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P89V51RD2 - IAP can't do it..

I am trying to work with the IAP for P89V51RD2.
I just tried to check the following code which I expect to
program the memory location 0x0020 with 01h.
I am using a clock=40 Mhz and am stroring that value in R0. But the code is not working. ie when I try to read memory from Flash Magic, I do not see any change at 0x0020
Can anyone fix the problem??

code is:

        ORG 00

                        MOV   DPH,#00h
                        MOV   DPL,#20h
                        MOV   A,#1h
                        MOV   R0,#40
                        MOV   R1,#02H
                        CALL  0FFF0H


  • I am using a clock=40 Mhz and am stroring that value in R0. But the code is not working. ie when I try to read memory from Flash Magic, I do not see any change at 0x0020

    that will not work, unless the chip is in 12 clock mode. Are you sure it is


  • I am using a clock=40 Mhz and am stroring that value in R0. But the code is not working. ie when I try to read memory from Flash Magic, I do not see any change at 0x0020

    that will not work, unless the chip is in 12 clock mode. Are you sure it is


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