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uVision 5 lag a lot and freeze with text completition and space+ctrl

I'm using uVision 5 on a MSI PS42 laptop with Windows 10 64bit, core i7-8550u, 16Gb of ram. When I wrote my code, the ctrl+space shortcut and all the text-Completition functionality made my computer lags a lot and after few seconds freeze it.

I have to force shutdown or wait more than 10 minutes for the text completition to appear normally.
If I try to recall again the text completition the lag and freeze's problems reappears.

At the moment disable all the text completition functionality from the options is the only "workaround" I can use right now.

Same problem with uVision4. All the rest of the program seems to work well.

Someone that have the same problem or can help??


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