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Using HAL & RTX together

I want to use HAL & RTX together in a project based on stm32f4. I made changes that u see at this link:
But still it does not work...
What is the problem??

  • That's like saying, "My car won't go - what's wrong with it?"

    Nobody can answer that - clearly, there is simply not enough information!

    So what have you done to debug the problem(s) ?

    Before trying to use RTX and the ST HAL together, have you been able to successfully make separate projects using each one independently?

    Tryin to learn 3 new things all at once is vastly more difficult that trying to learn one new thing at a time ...

  • That's like saying, "My car won't go - what's wrong with it?"

    Nobody can answer that - clearly, there is simply not enough information!

    So what have you done to debug the problem(s) ?

    Before trying to use RTX and the ST HAL together, have you been able to successfully make separate projects using each one independently?

    Tryin to learn 3 new things all at once is vastly more difficult that trying to learn one new thing at a time ...
