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ArmClang.exe error: Failed to check out a license.Keil Licensing error: No TOOLS.ini file found

Hi all,

Recently, I have problems compiling with Keil. I'm using ARM Compiler V6.7 and I get the following error:

ArmClang.exe: error: Failed to check out a license.Keil Licensing error: No TOOLS.ini file found
ArmClang.exe: note: Check that your license details are correct in the License Management dialog of MDK. Additional information is available at: If you need further help, provide this complete error report to your supplier or - ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: unset - LM_LICENSE_FILE: unset - ARM_TOOL_VARIANT: unset - ARM_PRODUCT_PATH: unset - Product location: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\sw\mappings - Toolchain location: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG\Bin - Selected tool variant: mdk_cm_std
ArmClang.exe: note: - Checkout feature: LIC0=JA...-.....-..... - Feature version: 5.0201703 - Keil error code: 1
Product: MDK-ARM Essential 5.24
Component: ARM Compiler 6.7
Tool: armclang [5c9efc00]

I'm using the following version of Keil:

Toolchaing: MDK-ARM Essential Version: 5.24.1
Toolchain Path: C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG\Bin
C Compiler: ArmClang.exe V6.7
Assembler: Armasm.exe V6.7
Linker/Locator: ArmLink.exe V6.7
Library Manager: ArmAr.exe V6.7
Library Manager: ArmAr.exe V6.7
Hex Converter: FromElf.exe V6.7
Dialog DLL: DCM.DLL V1.16.0.0
Target DLL: STLink\ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO.ll V3.0.1.0
DialogDLL: TCM.DLL V1.32.0.0

Someone knows why I have this error? How can I solve it?

I haven't changed any configuration and the error appears suddenly. These problems only happen with ARM Compiler V6.7. However, if I use ARM Compiler V5, error doesn't happen.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


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