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complier, failure, code , debugging

The code is written well, but when I press build and enters the debug window, it misses some lines.
I thought it might be the intending problem, but is the problem the Keil software.
In debugger window, I am not able to put breakpoints, because the Keil assumes that the line is not present in the code.

  • Usually doesn't do things for random reasons. Perhaps you work with someone who has competence with the tools who can work through your scenario with you? Not much detail to work with here, no chip or code detail. Figure out how to present technical issues to your peers.

    Try turning off "Run to main()" and step the code from the entry point. Try using some existing examples which are both syntactically correct, and functionally correct.

  • Usually doesn't do things for random reasons. Perhaps you work with someone who has competence with the tools who can work through your scenario with you? Not much detail to work with here, no chip or code detail. Figure out how to present technical issues to your peers.

    Try turning off "Run to main()" and step the code from the entry point. Try using some existing examples which are both syntactically correct, and functionally correct.

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