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About BL51 and LX51 in Keil

I have a problem by using Keil.The error message is here:*** FATAL ERROR L214: INPUT PHASE ERROR
I have seen uVision help , but i still can not understand this error.
Does anyone konw it? Thanks for helping me.

When I change BL51 to LX51, there is no error.But the program can not run normally.

  • Phase errors typically occur when things change between passes in the linker/compiler/assembler.

    ie where ordering of things is changed, values change, or that moving one function, or calling method, changes another and the knock on effect is a meta-stability between passes. Look carefully at what compiler/linker directives/options/optimizations you have chosen.
    Contact technical support, this is not technical support

  • Phase errors typically occur when things change between passes in the linker/compiler/assembler.

    ie where ordering of things is changed, values change, or that moving one function, or calling method, changes another and the knock on effect is a meta-stability between passes. Look carefully at what compiler/linker directives/options/optimizations you have chosen.
    Contact technical support, this is not technical support
