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Cortex M0 get error Trace HW Not Present

I am getting a error when I try to enable trace on a LPC1114 Cortex M0 on a Keil
MCB1000 board. I am using a ULINK2. One thing is I am looking for a good ini file to
use with the debug setup. I found one after a search of keil install directory


containing the function:

FUNC void MTB_Setup (void) {
// <e0.0> Trace: MTB (Micro Trace Buffer)
// <o1.0..5> Buffer Size
// <5=> 256B
// <6=> 512B
// <7=> 1kB
// <8=> 2kB
// <9=> 4kB
// <10=> 8kB
// <11=> 16kB
// <12=> 32kB
// <o2> Buffer Position
// Buffer position in RAM. Must be a multiple of the buffer size.
// <o3.0> Stop Trace when buffer is full
// <o3.1> Stop Target when buffer is full
// </e> unsigned long _mstr; unsigned long _mask; unsigned long _position; unsigned long _flow; _mstr = 0x01; _mask = 12; _position = 0x1EFF0000; _flow = 0x00;

_position &= 0xFFFFFFFC; // Mask MASTER.POINTER field _flow = _flow | (_position + ((8<<_mask) - 32));

_WDWORD(0x1EFF8000, 0x00000000); // MASTER _WDWORD(0x1EFF8004, _mask); // RANGE _WDWORD(0x1EFF8008, _flow); // FLOW _WDWORD(0x1EFF8000, _mstr | _position); // MASTER


I tried to include this one.

But have not been able to get rid of the error


Thanks, Gary

  • It looks like I found the answer :

    ITM and DWT trace debugging are not available with the MCB11U10, MCB1114 or MCB11C14 boards because their MCUs do not provide the Serial Wire Output(SWO) signal needed for these options. As a result, the Logic Analyzer and OS Event Viewer features of the debugger are also not available because they require the SWO signal.

    Further details can be found in the µVision User's Guide, topic Debugging, and in the MDK-ARM Primer, chapter Debug Applications.

  • It looks like I found the answer :

    ITM and DWT trace debugging are not available with the MCB11U10, MCB1114 or MCB11C14 boards because their MCUs do not provide the Serial Wire Output(SWO) signal needed for these options. As a result, the Logic Analyzer and OS Event Viewer features of the debugger are also not available because they require the SWO signal.

    Further details can be found in the µVision User's Guide, topic Debugging, and in the MDK-ARM Primer, chapter Debug Applications.
