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Cortex M0 get error Trace HW Not Present

I am getting a error when I try to enable trace on a LPC1114 Cortex M0 on a Keil
MCB1000 board. I am using a ULINK2. One thing is I am looking for a good ini file to
use with the debug setup. I found one after a search of keil install directory


containing the function:

FUNC void MTB_Setup (void) {
// <e0.0> Trace: MTB (Micro Trace Buffer)
// <o1.0..5> Buffer Size
// <5=> 256B
// <6=> 512B
// <7=> 1kB
// <8=> 2kB
// <9=> 4kB
// <10=> 8kB
// <11=> 16kB
// <12=> 32kB
// <o2> Buffer Position
// Buffer position in RAM. Must be a multiple of the buffer size.
// <o3.0> Stop Trace when buffer is full
// <o3.1> Stop Target when buffer is full
// </e> unsigned long _mstr; unsigned long _mask; unsigned long _position; unsigned long _flow; _mstr = 0x01; _mask = 12; _position = 0x1EFF0000; _flow = 0x00;

_position &= 0xFFFFFFFC; // Mask MASTER.POINTER field _flow = _flow | (_position + ((8<<_mask) - 32));

_WDWORD(0x1EFF8000, 0x00000000); // MASTER _WDWORD(0x1EFF8004, _mask); // RANGE _WDWORD(0x1EFF8008, _flow); // FLOW _WDWORD(0x1EFF8000, _mstr | _position); // MASTER


I tried to include this one.

But have not been able to get rid of the error


Thanks, Gary

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