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Time to cancel the simulator?


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Maybe it is time to remove the simulator from uv5 to prevent confusion...?

  • I'd have to say I agree. I'd lean to just having a special faux ARM7 or CM3/4 with a generic set of peripherals and LEDs, 7-segments, scope, etc for experimenters and learners.

    Either that, or open up the emulation/scripting a lot more to allow people to build and share there own models.

    "This will gave me permission to read or modify any of the SYSCTL, GPIO, etc. registers."

    No, it merely gives you the illusion this happens, nothing actually gets read, written or modified in a way that's at all helpful or has any bearing on reality. Wouldn't it be easier just to remove the code that uses/depends on them?

  • I'd have to say I agree. I'd lean to just having a special faux ARM7 or CM3/4 with a generic set of peripherals and LEDs, 7-segments, scope, etc for experimenters and learners.

    Either that, or open up the emulation/scripting a lot more to allow people to build and share there own models.

    "This will gave me permission to read or modify any of the SYSCTL, GPIO, etc. registers."

    No, it merely gives you the illusion this happens, nothing actually gets read, written or modified in a way that's at all helpful or has any bearing on reality. Wouldn't it be easier just to remove the code that uses/depends on them?
