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Receive Serial Debug Messages in Simulation Mode


I'm using a Keil LPC1868. The running program on the target is able to receive debug messages via the JTAG interface. On the target side, the ITM_RxBuffer is used to read the messages. Our debug software uses the UVSOCK interface to send data to the target via Keil. Therefore, we use the library function UVSC_DBG_SERIAL_PUT(int iConnHandle, SERIO *pSerIO, int serIOLen) with pSerIO.nChannel=3 and pSerIO.itemMode=0.

This works fine when executing the program on the actual target device. But when using the Keil simulated hardware, the ITM_RxBuffer seems to receive only one byte, and in addition, the value of this byte is not correct.

The documentation for UVSOCK says, that Channel 3 uses the Real-Time Agent Terminal and
"If the Real-Time Agent is present in the target, this operation is possible for the Real-Time Agent terminal in both Simulator and Target modes."

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue or where I should have a look at?

I'm very grateful for every hint or suggestion.

Best regards,
Joachim Engelhardt

  • In the meanwhile, I contacted the support of Keil and got the answer:
    The simulator actually works not correct for this case. The solution is, to send the information byte by byte, so each API call sends only one byte.
    Because there seems to be too less interest in the simulator, they spend very less effort in the future development of the simulator, so they don't expect a correction of this behavior.

    But I got the promise, that the developer notes for this section will be extended soon to address this issue.

  • In the meanwhile, I contacted the support of Keil and got the answer:
    The simulator actually works not correct for this case. The solution is, to send the information byte by byte, so each API call sends only one byte.
    Because there seems to be too less interest in the simulator, they spend very less effort in the future development of the simulator, so they don't expect a correction of this behavior.

    But I got the promise, that the developer notes for this section will be extended soon to address this issue.
