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Receive Serial Debug Messages in Simulation Mode


I'm using a Keil LPC1868. The running program on the target is able to receive debug messages via the JTAG interface. On the target side, the ITM_RxBuffer is used to read the messages. Our debug software uses the UVSOCK interface to send data to the target via Keil. Therefore, we use the library function UVSC_DBG_SERIAL_PUT(int iConnHandle, SERIO *pSerIO, int serIOLen) with pSerIO.nChannel=3 and pSerIO.itemMode=0.

This works fine when executing the program on the actual target device. But when using the Keil simulated hardware, the ITM_RxBuffer seems to receive only one byte, and in addition, the value of this byte is not correct.

The documentation for UVSOCK says, that Channel 3 uses the Real-Time Agent Terminal and
"If the Real-Time Agent is present in the target, this operation is possible for the Real-Time Agent terminal in both Simulator and Target modes."

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue or where I should have a look at?

I'm very grateful for every hint or suggestion.

Best regards,
Joachim Engelhardt

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