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How to make an absolutely placed library for mask ROM memory

Hi experts, we wanna put a mask rom memory in our system, so I need to move parts of our code (API funcitons/const data) into this ROM as library, that is, the main application put at other RAM/ROM can call/access these funtions/data.

The challenge is this ROM image will be made once like One Time Programmable (OTP). So what I can think is in ROM it cannot invoke any external symbols outside except I play some tricks by using RAM. I name this as absolutely placed rom library.

My problem is that I move Func_A into ROM region (#pragram section XXX), but Func_A has dependency on a armlib funtion named __aeabi_ddiv. How do I move this library funtion into ROM?
Do I need to create a new project? but if so, I don't need the _main symbol.

P.S. I use scatter file section selector to tell linker to put Func_A at ROM region.

Thanks a lot,

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