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Is there an option to "STICK UART PARITY" to 1 and 0 using the CMSIS Drivers.

Is there a option to "STICK UART PARITY" to 1 and 0 using the CMSIS Drivers...

This is all that is defined in the HEADER file;

/*----- USART Control Codes: Mode Parameters: Parity -----*/
#define ARM_USART_PARITY_Pos 12
#define ARM_USART_PARITY_NONE (0UL << ARM_USART_PARITY_Pos) ///< No Parity (default)
#define ARM_USART_PARITY_EVEN (1UL << ARM_USART_PARITY_Pos) ///< Even Parity
#define ARM_USART_PARITY_ODD (2UL << ARM_USART_PARITY_Pos) ///< Odd Parity

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