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how to get the day of the week and month of year


I want to know how can i give a month of year and day of month. and i what to return the month and day for some time later (ie 60 days later). if it is on a sunday it must go to Monday

my friend asked before but nobody helped him with the correct answer. we now need a good response very quickly. can someone help

I am hope that there is someone smart enough to give us the correct answer.

  • you have been told in 3 different ways how to do it in your previous identical posts so why do you not just change your post to "give me the friggin code", not that that will result in anything. This is not a "give code forum" it is a "help you to write the code forum"


  • you have been told in 3 different ways how to do it in your previous identical posts so why do you not just change your post to "give me the friggin code", not that that will result in anything. This is not a "give code forum" it is a "help you to write the code forum"

