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P89V664 Serial Graphical LCD Problem


I have confused in the coding of the Serial Graphical LCD on NXP P89V664.

Can any one help ????

the code is


// #define unsigned char unsigned char // 0~255
// #define unsigned int unsigned int   // 0~65535

sbit _CS = P2^3;
sbit _RST = P2^2;
sbit A0 = P2^1;
sbit SCK = P4^0;
sbit DIN = P4^2;

unsigned char ContrastLevel;     // for contrast setting level

// dispaly data (128x64)

unsigned char code Logo[]={


// Delay Routine

void delayms(unsigned int m)        // 12MHz Xtal, close to ms value
    unsigned int j;
    unsigned int i;

    for(i=0; i<m; i++)
        for(j=0; j<109; j++)

// IO Routine

void lcd_cmd(unsigned char Command)       //send command
    SCK = 1;
    A0  = 0;
    _CS = 0;
    DIN = Command & 0x80; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = Command & 0x40; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = Command & 0x20; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = Command & 0x10; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = Command & 0x08; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = Command & 0x04; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = Command & 0x02; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = Command & 0x01; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    _CS = 1;

void lcd_data(unsigned char DData)        //send data
    SCK= 1;
    A0  = 1;
    _CS = 0;
    DIN = DData & 0x80; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = DData & 0x40; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = DData & 0x20; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = DData & 0x10; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = DData & 0x08; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = DData & 0x04; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = DData & 0x02; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    DIN = DData & 0x01; SCK= 0; SCK= 1;
    _CS = 1;

// Write a Screen
void WriteScreen(unsigned char *DisplayData)    // DisplayData should be 164x64/8 = 1312byte
    unsigned char TempData;
    unsigned char i, j;
        lcd_cmd(0xb0 | i);    // select page 0~7
        lcd_cmd(0x10);        // start form column 4
        lcd_cmd(0x00);        // (2byte command)

// Contrast control
void LCD_Darker(void)
    if (ContrastLevel<0x3F)
    lcd_cmd(0x81);            // E-Vol setting
    lcd_cmd(ContrastLevel);   // (2byte command)

void LCD_Lighter(void)
    if (ContrastLevel>0x00)
    lcd_cmd(0x81);            // E-Vol setting
    lcd_cmd(ContrastLevel);   // (2byte command)

// Init LCD module
void initLCDM(void)
    _RST=1;                 // hardware reset LCD module

    ContrastLevel=0x17;     // default Contrast Level  1a
    lcd_cmd(0xab);                      //new
    lcd_cmd(0xaf);            // display on
    lcd_cmd(0x40);            // display start line=0
    lcd_cmd(0xc8);            // Common output mode select= reverse
    lcd_cmd(0xa6);            // normal display
    lcd_cmd(0xa4);            // Duisplay all point = off
    lcd_cmd(0xa3);            // LCD bias = 1/9   a2
    lcd_cmd(0x2f);            // Power control = all on
    lcd_cmd(0x25);            // Rab Ratio     26
    lcd_cmd(0x81);            // E-Vol setting
    lcd_cmd(ContrastLevel);   // (2byte command)

// Main Program
void main()
    EA = 0;         // disable interrupts

    _CS    =1;
    _RST   =1;
    A0     =1;
    SCK   =1;
    DIN    =1;

//end of program

The error it shoes that P4 is an undefined identifier. error C202

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