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C/asm Tutorials Please! universal request

Could someone write a comprehensive C tutorial specifically aimed at those who are trying to learn C for programming? I think this would help since the wikibooks, and tutorials, among others, are broken/non-existant. this may be the reason that programming in C has declined these past years. (I know its the reason I don't do it in C)

Also, an explanations of the compilers error codes would help.

  • I think this would help since the wikibooks, and tutorials, among others, are broken/non-existant.

    Hmm.. interesting. So you're asking for tutorials that you've already determined don't exist.

    And how, exactly, have you determined that "the wikibooks" (whatever that's supposed to be) ", and tutorials" are all, "broken", given that it's pretty much self-evident that you cannot possibly have checked all of them, much less are you in the position to evaluate them meaningfully, since you don't know anything about the subject matter yet?

  • I think this would help since the wikibooks, and tutorials, among others, are broken/non-existant.

    Hmm.. interesting. So you're asking for tutorials that you've already determined don't exist.

    And how, exactly, have you determined that "the wikibooks" (whatever that's supposed to be) ", and tutorials" are all, "broken", given that it's pretty much self-evident that you cannot possibly have checked all of them, much less are you in the position to evaluate them meaningfully, since you don't know anything about the subject matter yet?

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