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__schedule_barrier function creates NOPs

Using uvision4 to build project for Cortex-M3. When I look at assembly listing I notice that the __schedule_barrier() call generates two NOPs instead of using one of the ARM memory barrier instructions. Is this correct?


  • What is it that you're trying to acheive by using __schedule_barrier()?

    The documentation <> doesn't indicate that __schedule_barrier generates any instructions. In fact if it is producing NOP instructions it seems to be contradicting the documentation.

    It would be useful to have an example. I see no NOP instructions when I build this for Cortex-M3 -O2 -Ospace:

    volatile int x;
    void f() {

  • What is it that you're trying to acheive by using __schedule_barrier()?

    The documentation <> doesn't indicate that __schedule_barrier generates any instructions. In fact if it is producing NOP instructions it seems to be contradicting the documentation.

    It would be useful to have an example. I see no NOP instructions when I build this for Cortex-M3 -O2 -Ospace:

    volatile int x;
    void f() {
