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I am using MCB2300 kit(lpc2368).Willing to send data through Ethernet. I found few codes and when compiled in uvision 4 , its giving code limited error as it is evaluation version.Are any light weight TCP/IP stacks available through which basic Ethernet configuration with MCB2300 can be done and send data without size limitation error.
Thanks in advance.

  • "light-weight" is relative!

    The following are relatively light-weight as TCP/IP stacks go:

    You will have to determine for yourself whether they are sufficiently light-weight to fit within the 32K limit...

    You should also check the NXP site - I think they have a special version of the Niche-Lite stack specifically for use with NXP chips...?

    Again, you would have to determine for yourself whether it is sufficiently light-weight for you...

  • "light-weight" is relative!

    The following are relatively light-weight as TCP/IP stacks go:

    You will have to determine for yourself whether they are sufficiently light-weight to fit within the 32K limit...

    You should also check the NXP site - I think they have a special version of the Niche-Lite stack specifically for use with NXP chips...?

    Again, you would have to determine for yourself whether it is sufficiently light-weight for you...

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